Friday, September 9, 2011

Phibs, wild and wonderful

Last night we attended the opening of Phibs' exhibition at the Plump Gallery in Enmore. What a pleasure to see walls filled with Phibs' (aka Tim's) intricate, boldly graphic art!

Obviously we are not alone in this feeling as the gallery was getting crammed with people, many spilling out onto the footpath. We were lucky enough to meet Tim and we a had a great chat about art, street art, his influences and style – and computers. He was happy to let us take photos, and so we did.

Mixtec (ancient Central American) art
Phibs is from Sydney, but has worked in Melbourne also. Having worked as a freelance artist and a street artist for years, his aim is to move toward more "legitimate" art and less "unauthorised" work.
Very busy gallery opening with Tim on the far left.
Outside looking in.
 Nevertheless you can see his pieces around streets of the inner city of Melbourne and Sydney.  His style is quite distinctive; a strong graphic feel with intricate bold tapering lines in swirling movements, and strong sense of art and mythology of ancient cultures. I always get a feel of Teotihuacáno, Mayan or other ancient Central American art.

So as Molly Meldrum used to say: "Do yourself a favour" and go see The Journey exhibition at the Plump Gallery, 240 Enmore Road, Enmore. It is open from the 8th to the 28th of September. You can't miss the gallery, there is a huge Phibs colourful face piece on the wall out front.  We shall be returning in daytime to grab a photo of that.

So much to see,
J in JAM

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