Monday, August 15, 2011

Anti Graffiti Strike Squad

 Today I discovered there is a whole squad of golf carts out there whose only purpose in life is the removal of street art! I vaguely thought there was "some guy" from the council who cleaned off graffiti, so when confronted with the squad in Chippendale I was dumbstruck.

Most of them had passed by before I actually thought to take a photo. Up until this moment, I hadn't found much street art to be honest, but there were heaps of spots that had been 'cleaned' or painted over. The penny dropped and I cursed them!

Rubbish bins and cars are bad enough! Now there's a hit squad?!*^$%!!

I found a few paste ups, stickers and stencils and 3 of MIM's cat stencils and quite a few SMC3 paste ups.

I found a fun Alien paste up, some great googly eye stickers and a "You are here" sticker so I came away with a smile on my face after all.


Beware the anti-graffiti squad,
J in JAM

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